Cloud Migration AWS vs Fastly

March 01, 2022

Cloud Migration AWS vs. Fastly

If you are considering migrating to the cloud, you may have come across two of the most popular options: AWS and Fastly. Both provide excellent services, but how do they compare? In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison of AWS and Fastly for cloud migration.

What is AWS?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive cloud computing solution that offers a suite of cloud-based services for businesses of all sizes. It provides a wide range of services, including computing, storage, and networking, making it an excellent choice for companies seeking a holistic cloud-based solution.

What is Fastly?

Fastly is a content delivery network (CDN) that provides an efficient way of delivering internet content to end-users. It reduces the need for repetitive web requests, which makes content delivery faster and more scalable.


1. Cost

When it comes to cost, AWS is known for its flexible and pay-as-you-go pricing structure that allows you to scale as you grow. On the other hand, Fastly charges based on the volume of content delivered and the location of the content requester. Depending on your specific use case, one option may be more cost-effective than the other.

2. Performance and Scalability

Fastly is designed to improve website performance and scalability by caching content close to the end-users. This makes website load times faster, particularly for users who are physically further away from your website's server location. AWS also provides excellent performance and scalability, but it may require some additional setup.

3. Ease of Use

AWS's comprehensive list of services can make it a bit overwhelming for beginners. However, AWS also provides a wide range of tutorials and support documents to help you get started. Fastly's user-friendly interface is much easier to navigate, making it an excellent choice if you're looking for a quick and easy set-up.

4. Reliability

Both AWS and Fastly provide high levels of reliability. Fastly's global network of servers ensures content delivery with minimal service disruptions, while AWS has multiple data centers across the globe, providing redundancy in the event of a failure.


In summary, both AWS and Fastly have their pros and cons. AWS offers a comprehensive suite of services for a range of use cases, while Fastly's content delivery network specializes in improving website performance and scalability. Additionally, AWS may be more cost-effective for businesses that require a broader range of cloud-based services.

Overall, the best choice depends on your specific business requirements, and careful consideration must be given to all factors that may impact your decision. We hope this comparison has helped you gain a clearer understanding of both options and helped inform your decision-making process.


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